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QUERÉTARO, Qro (09/26/2013) - The second edition of Mexico's Aerospace Summit 2013 kicked off this Thursday in this state, where one out of five companies in the aerospace sector are located, which contributes 4.5% of the state's GDP. The growth trend in the sector will continue in the coming years in the state, which could become one of the most important players worldwide in aircraft…
The aerospace industry in Mexico has positioned itself in recent years as a strategic cluster for the country's economic development, currently operating in the country 267 companies that employ 34,000 workers in the manufacturing productive sector, located in 18 states. In an interview with Mexican Business Web, Carlos J. Bello, general director of the Mexican Federation of Aerospace Industry(…
Given the growth of the aerospace industry, manufacturers of industrial buildings for maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) have new projects in the pipeline; specifically at the Queretaro state airport, where Bombardier and Kuo Aerospace, General Electric (GE), Sames (Snecma America Engine Services), among other companies, are located. Luis M. Barreiro Hernández, director of the marketing area…