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Industry Spotlight: Construction and Earthmoving Machinery  According to statistics released by Unacea, the Italian trade association of construction equipment, road machinery and equipment declines by 10%. In the 12 months of 2022, 25,923 construction machines were placed on the Italian market, increases 18% from 2021. Graphics and stats source: UNACEA
ITA Toronto is proud to accompany a delegation of companies to the world's premier mineral exploration & mining convention, Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) coming to Toronto March 5th-8th, 2023. Our Italian delegates include: MARCHETTI Autogrù spa Bonatti Idromeccanica Ramtec s.r.l. srl #MachinesItalia #ICECanada #…
Over the first six months of 2017, 5,109 machines have been sold in the Italian market, up 6% compared to last year. In deeper detail, the sector of earth moving machines grows 6% with 4,910 machines sold, while road equipment increases by 9% (199 machines sold).  "The Italian market continue to grow, albeit at a moderate pace – says Paolo Venturi, President of Unacea. The…