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Pirelli Reaffirms Its Long-Term Commitment To Mexico And NAFTA

Pirelli recently unveiled its plan to invest USD $200 million to build a new car tire manufacturing facility in Silao, Guanajuato, Mexico. The announcement came only four years after the inauguration of another Pirelli factory in the ‘Puerto Interior’ industrial park in Silao and coincided with the visit to Mexico of Italy’s Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi and meeting with Mexican President, Enrique Pena Nieto at the Palacio Nacional, in Mexico City. According to the company, the new investment confirms the importance of Mexico to Pirelli’s international operations, especially the NAFTA market

Italian Technology Award Programs in Mexico

The Italian Trade Agency Office in Mexico City hands out the Italian Plastic Technology Award and the Italian Packaging Technology Award. The project aims to create a link between graduates and undergraduates in engineering programs at leading Mexican universities, and to increase their awareness of leading technology and solutions available in Italian plastics and packaging machinery. Each award had been organized alongside its respective Italian industry association: ASSOCOMAPLAST (the Italian Plastics and Rubber Processing Machinery and Moulds Manufacturers’ Association, www.assocomaplast

PLASTIMAGEN 2013: 30 empresas italianas presentes

PLASTIMAGEN Mexico 2013, the leading event in the plastics industry in Latin America, will present the latest technology and trends to more than 30,000 professional visitors from more than 34 countries. Given the importance of this event, it is expected to close business for more than 120 million dollars, which is equivalent to more than 15% of the investment in machinery in the industry. Visitors will be able to learn about the national and international technology that Plastimagen Mexico presents, as well as the vanguard and plastic solutions for the automotive, pharmaceutical, food and