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#8 - Winter 2015
Dear Readers,

I am pleased to take this opportunity to usher in the new year with this edition, the eighth, of the newsletter
Machines Italia.

The year just ended was particularly rich in events and initiatives aimed specifically at the
promotion of Italian instrumental mechanics in North America and 2015 will be no less.
Below is the usual review of news and information and especially of activities carried out and planned
for the coming months.

I would like to point out just a few of them: MECAMEX, in Mexico, the ROADSHOW Machines Italy and Summit
SelectUSA, in the U.S., and the English-language electronic newsletter for operators in the three Nafta markets
which will be produced and distributed, periodically, by the Toronto office in collaboration with the other
machines Italia program desks in Chicago and Mexico City.

Communication activities under the Machines Italia banner require the support and involvement of not only
only of association partners, but also, to a particular extent, of individual companies.

It is to you (more than 5 thousand) readers, who represent Italian technological excellence in North America and the rest
the world, that I ask for a special commitment and participation in the project by pointing out to us new
products, new technologies, new processes to make known to local operators.

The title of a recent article in the Economist illustrates well the current situation in our country: Export or
Die. Companies that export, invest and grow, for the others everything is more difficult.

Capital goods and mechanics are a significant share of Italy's GDP and exports, and therefore are the
companies in this sector that bear the brunt of the pressure to expand beyond national borders.
Internationalizing also means equipping oneself with marketing tools adapted to the realities of the various markets in
in which one operates. Tools that are not always within the reach of small and medium-sized Italian companies. It is here that
Machines Italia comes into play as it offers a tool for promotion, communication and information
designed specifically for NAFTA.

Happy reading!

Pasquale Bova
Director, ICE-Agency Canada