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Italian Plastic Machinery State of the Industry Report 2015: Sprinting Forwards for the First SIx Months

The statistical analysis performed by Assocomaplast (Italian trade association, part of CONFINDUSTRIA, representing over 160 companies) on foreign trade data provided by ISTAT regarding the first six months of this year , reveals – in comparison to January-June 2014 – a markedly positive performance for Italy's exports and imports of plastics and rubber machinery, equipment and moulds. The growth recorded since the first months of 2014 has continued this year and actually has increased: by the end of June 2015, the rise in purchases from abroad approached 17%. This provides further reassurance

Italy's Trade Association for Plastic & Rubber Machinery Elects New President & Posts Positive Signs

The annual members assembly of ASSOCOMAPLAST – the Italian trade association belonging to CONFINDUSTRIA, which groups together over 160 makers of machinery, moulds and equip-ment for plastics and rubber – was held on Friday, 19 June at the Science and Technology Mu-seum in Milan. The assembly elected a new President for the two-year term 2015-2017: Alessandro Grassi, managing director of Frigosystem srl, who in turn named Andrea Franceschetti, international sales director for Gefran spa, as Vice President of the association. The members assembly was followed by the public Assocomaplast

Italian Plastic & Rubber Machinery State of the Industry Report 2014: NAFTA Sales Up 20%!

December 18th, 20914 (Milan, Italy): Assocomaplast (the Italian trade association, belonging to CONFINDUSTRIA, which groups to-gether some 170 machinery manufacturers) has compared ISTAT foreign trade data for January-September of the current year with data for the same period in 2013 and confirms further growth in both imports and exports. Exports rose by over 4% while purchases from abroad grew by over 7%. This has also led to a consolidation (+3%) of an already strong balance of trade. However, we must underscore that the positive trend in exports, traditional driver for Italian

Italian Plastic Machinery: State of the Industry Report 2013

ASSOCOMAPLAST, tthe Italian trade association belonging to CONFINDUSTRIA, which groups together some 165 makers of machinery, moulds and equipment for plastics and rubber, has produced its 2013 full-year forecast for the industry on the basis of foreign trade data for the first nine months of the year provided by ISTAT, Italy's National Institute of Statistics. The slight dip in exports (-2.8% with respect to January-September 2012) could be recovered in the fourth quarter thanks to the expected economic recovery, early signals of which have been noted recently by the CONFINDUSTRIA Research

Italian Plastic Machinery State of the Industry Report 2013: Exports to US Up!

The analysis by Assocomaplast, the Italian trade association, belonging to CONFINDUSTRIA, which groups together some 160 manufacturers of plastics and rubber processing machinery) of the latest ISTAT, the Italian National Institute of Statistics, figures for Italian foreign trade shows that, in the first half of 2013, imports in the sector were somewhat weak compared to the same period in 2012 whereas exports held relatively firm, as summarized in Table 1. The downturn in imports is a symptom of a domestic market that still struggles to recover. However, a potentially promising sign, on this

Italian Plastic Machinery: State of the Industry Report 2013

After a still-positive trend in January and February (in the wake of the +5.9% result at the end of 2012), the first quarter of 2013 instead closed with a downturn for Italian exports of plastics and rubber processing machinery, according the Italian National Institute of Statistics - ISTAT figures processed by Assocomaplast (the Italian trade association belonging to CONFINDUSTRIA, which groups together some 165 manufacturers). In fact, foreign sales in this sector fell 4% compared to January-March 2012, set against a 9-point drop in imports. The result is on the whole not surprising, given

Italian Leadership Seeks to Create A European Market Surveillance Platform – EMSP

During a roundtable discussion organized on 20 March 2013 at the European Parliament in Brussels, the European coalition of machinery industry associations, represented by CECE, CECIMO, CEMA, FEM and EUROMAP, called on the European Parliament to fully support and further strengthen the Commission proposal for a new Regulation on Market Surveillance. During the discussions, there was widespread agreement that the legislative package presents a unique opportunity to finally achieve a level playing field in the Single Market and is a landmark initiative to support the EU's re-industrialization

Italian Plastic and Rubber Machinery Production Reached $5.5 Billion in 2012

ASSAGO, ITALY -- Italian plastics and rubber machinery makers expect to produce 4.2 billion euros ($5.5 billion) in equipment this year, with exports of 2.6 billion euros ($3.45 billion), according to Italy's plastic and rubber machinery association Assocomaplast. The association examined imports and exports from the first nine months of the year and found that exports increased 9 percentage points, while imports increased 2 percent. Compared to 2010-2011, the balance of trade for the sector increased 11 percent to 1.41 billion euros ($1.5 billion). Europe is still the top export destination

Italian Plastic Machinery State of the Industry Report 2012: Stats Show Sharp Rise in Exports to US

According to statistics provided by the association, Assocomaplast, Italian imports and exports for the sector recorded new gains in the first half of 2012 with respect to the same period in 2011. Italian exports for the sector, marked a substantial increase (+11%) exceeding 1.23 billion euros overall. This has produced measurable improvement in the balance of trade, which has reached figures well in excess of 900 million euros. Regarding the principal types of machinery exported, extruders, accounting for roughly 12% of the total, continue to record double-digit growth, approaching twenty

Italian Printing, Graphic & Converting Machinery State of the Industry Report: 2012 Starts Strong

Italian exports of graphic, paper and converting machinery have increased by 4.82% in the first quarter of 2012. Imports are also showing an impressive + 9.94%. Such are the figures published by the Research Center of trade association ACIMGA based on Istat data. The same source reveals that the USA remains the first buyer of Italian machinery with a 68.8 % increase, followed by Germany and China – over the last quarter, the latter has doubled its orders. “We are relieved to see the plus sign in front of these figures, in sharp contrast with the general economic scenario, especially in