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Tecno Pack SpA

Tecno Pack SpA is a dynamic team of professionals with great enthusiasm for their work. Each member of their team integrates more than twenty years of personal experience with that of his colleagues. What is their goal? Tecno Pack strives to create technological excellence, adapting it to the particular needs of your company in order to earn, over the years, your full approval. They have been designing, building and supplying flow pack packaging machines and automatic packaging systems for almost thirty years. They are currently a market leader, and invite you to work with them so that they

CT Pack Srl

CT Pack was founded at the end of 1996 with the aim to create a leading company in the food wrapping and packaging sector. To pursue this ambitious project the owners Gino and Giuliano Cocchi, have integrated the new company with the experience offered by 3 world leading firms: Mopa (leader in product feeding & streaming systems), Otem (leader in horizontal single and multi-lane flow pack machines) and Vortex Systems (leader in robotized systems for handling, boxing or case packing of products at high speed). At the root of CT Pack’s industrial and strategic objectives there is the combination

Mexico is called "El Dorado" for Italian machinery in the packaging industry

Mexico is called "El Dorado" for Italian packaging machinery "When we landed in Mexico City in 1997, we were the only ones producing bottle caps. About 50 million dollars a year. At that time, cola and beer, which were produced by multinationals that had relocated years before, were produced with the help of SMEs already in Mexico. The final product cost less, approximately half the price of mineral water, strictly imported products. Today, however, the market is changing, we need more and more intelligent and flexible solutions, which many of our SMEs often have. The problem is getting them