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Kris Srl

In 1959, after having learned the art of printer and paper technology, Carlo Granconato decided to become an entrepreneur and started in business making die forms. In those days, die forms were for the greater part made with type-founding margins and the time of the American dies had begun. Business went like a storm and Carlo decided to manufacture cutting, creasing and perforating rules in addition to brass creasing matrixes. In 1974, Carlo and his son Massimo concentrated their energies in the study and production of self-centering creasing matrixes, thanks to which the company experienced

Italian Printing, Graphic & Converting Machinery State of the Industry Report: 2012 Starts Strong

Italian exports of graphic, paper and converting machinery have increased by 4.82% in the first quarter of 2012. Imports are also showing an impressive + 9.94%. Such are the figures published by the Research Center of trade association ACIMGA based on Istat data. The same source reveals that the USA remains the first buyer of Italian machinery with a 68.8 % increase, followed by Germany and China – over the last quarter, the latter has doubled its orders. “We are relieved to see the plus sign in front of these figures, in sharp contrast with the general economic scenario, especially in